
Australian grass tree
1. any of several Australian evergreen perennials having short thick woody stems crowned by a tuft of grasslike foliage and yielding acaroid resins
Syn: ↑grass tree
Hypernyms: ↑arborescent plant
Member Holonyms: ↑Xanthorroea, ↑genus Xanthorroea
2. stout Australian shrub with narrow leaves crowded at ends of branches and terminal clusters of white or pink flowers
Syn: ↑Richea dracophylla
Hypernyms: ↑Australian heath
Member Holonyms: ↑Richea, ↑genus Richea

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Usage: usually capitalized A
1. : grass tree 1
2. : a plant (Kingia australis) of western Australia that is variously assigned to Juncaceae or Liliaceae and has an erect black woody trunk crowned with long slender silvery leaves
3. : a stout shrub (Richea dracophylla) with narrow leaves crowded at the ends of the branches and with dense terminal clusters of white or pink flowers

Useful english dictionary. 2012.