
grass tree
1. any of several Australian evergreen perennials having short thick woody stems crowned by a tuft of grasslike foliage and yielding acaroid resins
Syn: ↑Australian grass tree
Hypernyms: ↑arborescent plant
Member Holonyms: ↑Xanthorroea, ↑genus Xanthorroea
2. elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers; New Zealand
Syn: ↑cabbage tree, ↑Cordyline australis
Hypernyms: ↑tree
Member Holonyms: ↑Cordyline, ↑genus Cordyline
3. gaunt Tasmanian evergreen shrubby tree with slender tapering leaves 3 to 5 feet long
Syn: ↑tree heath, ↑Richea pandanifolia
Hypernyms: ↑Australian heath
Member Holonyms: ↑Richea, ↑genus Richea

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1. : any of several Australian arborescent plants (genus Xanthorrhoea) that yield acaroid resins; especially : a plant (X. hastilis) with a short woody stem crowned by a crowded tuft of long leaves
2. : australian grass tree 2
3. : any of several Australasian trees with grasslike foliage: as
a. : a ti (Cordyline australis)
b. : lancewood
c. : a Tasmanian evergreen tree (Richea pandanifolia) with tapering slender leaves 3 to 5 feet long

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any Australian plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, of the lily family, having a stout, woody stem bearing a tuft of long grasslike leaves and a dense flower spike.

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grass tree noun
An Australian plant (genus Xanthorrhoea) with shrubby stems, tufts of long wiry foliage at the summit, and a tall flower-stalk, with a dense cylindrical spike of small flowers
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Main Entry:grass

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grass tree,
1. any one of various Australian plants of the lily family, having a stout, trunklike stem bearing a tuft of long, grasslike, wiry foliage and a tall flower stalk with a dense cylindrical spike of small flowers. Some species yield acaroid gum.
2. any one of various similar Australasian plants.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.