
a person skilled in large scale financial transactions
Syn: ↑financier
Derivationally related forms: ↑financier (for: ↑financier)
Hypernyms: ↑capitalist
Hyponyms: ↑banker, ↑city man, ↑principal, ↑dealer
Instance Hyponyms:
Baruch, ↑Bernard Baruch, ↑Bernard Mannes Baruch, ↑Brady, ↑James Buchanan Brady, ↑Diamond Jim Brady, ↑Diamond Jim, ↑Cooke, ↑Jay Cooke, ↑Cosimo de Medici, ↑Cosimo the Elder, ↑Girard, ↑Stephen Girard, ↑Gould, ↑Jay Gould, ↑Gresham, ↑Sir Thomas Gresham, ↑Harriman, ↑Averell Harriman, ↑William Averell Harriman, ↑Hopkins, ↑Johns Hopkins, ↑Mellon, ↑Andrew Mellon, ↑Andrew W. Mellon, ↑Andrew William Mellon, ↑Morgan, ↑J. P. Morgan, ↑John Pierpont Morgan, ↑Morris, ↑Robert Morris, ↑Rhodes, ↑Cecil Rhodes, ↑Cecil J. Rhodes, ↑Cecil John Rhodes, ↑Salomon, ↑Haym Salomon, ↑Vanderbilt, ↑Cornelius Vanderbilt, ↑Commodore Vanderbilt

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun (plural moneymen)
: financier

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/mun"ee man'/, n., pl. moneymen.
1. an investor; angel; backer.
2. a person responsible for managing money or financial arrangements of a business, institution, etc.
[1565-75; MONEY + MAN1]

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monˈeyman noun
A person employed or specializing in finance
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Main Entry:money

Useful english dictionary. 2012.