
1. United States educator and theologian (1802-1887)
Syn: ↑Mark Hopkins
Instance Hypernyms:
theologian, ↑theologist, ↑theologizer, ↑theologiser, ↑educator, ↑pedagogue, ↑pedagog
2. United States financier and philanthropist who left money to found the university and hospital that bear his name in Baltimore (1795-1873)
Syn: ↑Johns Hopkins
Instance Hypernyms: ↑financier, ↑moneyman, ↑philanthropist, ↑altruist
3. English poet (1844-1889)
Syn: ↑Gerard Manley Hopkins
Instance Hypernyms: ↑poet
4. English biochemist who did pioneering work that led to the discovery of vitamins (1861-1947)
Syn: ↑Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins
Instance Hypernyms: ↑biochemist
5. Welsh film actor (born in 1937)
Syn: ↑Anthony Hopkins, ↑Sir Anthony Hopkins, ↑Sir Anthony Philip Hopkins
Instance Hypernyms: ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player

Useful english dictionary. 2012.