
aquatic plant
a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth
Syn: ↑water plant, ↑hydrophyte, ↑hydrophytic plant
Derivationally related forms: ↑hydrophytic (for: ↑hydrophyte)
Hypernyms: ↑vascular plant, ↑tracheophyte
hornwort, ↑water lily, ↑water crowfoot, ↑water buttercup, ↑Ranunculus aquatilis, ↑cryptocoryne, ↑water trumpet, ↑golden club, ↑Orontium aquaticum, ↑arrow arum, ↑pistia, ↑water lettuce, ↑water cabbage, ↑Pistia stratiotes, ↑Pistia stratoites, ↑duckweed, ↑awlwort, ↑Subularia aquatica, ↑featherfoil, ↑feather-foil, ↑water pimpernel, ↑water milfoil, ↑water chestnut, ↑water chestnut plant, ↑caltrop, ↑water shamrock, ↑buckbean, ↑bogbean, ↑bog myrtle, ↑marsh trefoil, ↑Menyanthes trifoliata, ↑pipewort, ↑Eriocaulon aquaticum, ↑pickerelweed, ↑pickerel weed, ↑wampee, ↑Pontederia cordata, ↑water hyacinth, ↑water orchid, ↑Eichhornia crassipes, ↑Eichhornia spesiosa, ↑water star grass, ↑mud plantain, ↑Heteranthera dubia, ↑naiad, ↑water nymph, ↑frogbit, ↑frog's-bit, ↑Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, ↑hydrilla, ↑Hydrilla verticillata, ↑American frogbit, ↑Limnodium spongia, ↑waterweed, ↑tape grass, ↑eelgrass, ↑wild celery, ↑Vallisneria spiralis, ↑pondweed, ↑grass wrack, ↑sea wrack, ↑Zostera marina, ↑water starwort, ↑golden saxifrage, ↑golden spleen, ↑water speedwell, ↑Veronica michauxii, ↑Veronica anagallis-aquatica, ↑marsh plant, ↑bog plant, ↑swamp plant
Part Meronyms: ↑pad

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: a plant that grows in water (as the water lily, floating heart, or lattice plant) whether rooted in the mud (as a lotus) or floating without anchorage (as the water hyacinth)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.