
water lily
an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae
Hypernyms: ↑aquatic plant, ↑water plant, ↑hydrophyte, ↑hydrophytic plant
water nymph, ↑fragrant water lily, ↑pond lily, ↑Nymphaea odorata, ↑European white lily, ↑Nymphaea alba, ↑lotus, ↑white lotus, ↑Egyptian water lily, ↑white lily, ↑Nymphaea lotus, ↑blue lotus, ↑Nymphaea caerulea, ↑Nymphaea stellata, ↑spatterdock, ↑cow lily, ↑yellow pond lily, ↑Nuphar advena, ↑southern spatterdock, ↑Nuphar sagittifolium, ↑yellow water lily, ↑Nuphar lutea, ↑Indian lotus, ↑sacred lotus, ↑Nelumbo nucifera, ↑water chinquapin, ↑American lotus, ↑yanquapin, ↑Nelumbo lutea, ↑water-shield, ↑fanwort, ↑Cabomba caroliniana, ↑Brasenia schreberi, ↑water-target
Member Holonyms: ↑Nymphaeaceae, ↑family Nymphaeaceae, ↑water-lily family
Part Meronyms: ↑lily pad

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noun, pl ⋯ lilies [count]
: a plant that grows in water with round, floating leaves and large flowers

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ˈwater lily [water lily water lilies] noun
a plant that floats on the surface of water, with large round flat leaves and white, yellow or pink flowers

Useful english dictionary. 2012.