
hold up
1. be the physical support of; carry the weight of (Freq. 4)

The beam holds up the roof


He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam


What's holding that mirror?

Syn: ↑hold, ↑support, ↑sustain
Derivationally related forms: ↑support (for: ↑support), ↑supporter (for: ↑support), ↑supporting (for: ↑support), ↑holder (for: ↑hold)
scaffold, ↑block, ↑carry, ↑chock, ↑buoy, ↑buoy up, ↑pole, ↑bracket, ↑underpin, ↑prop up, ↑prop, ↑shore up, ↑shore, ↑truss, ↑brace
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

2. hold up something as an example; hold up one's achievements for admiration (Freq. 3)
Hypernyms: ↑expose, ↑exhibit, ↑display
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

3. cause to be slowed down or delayed (Freq. 3)

Traffic was delayed by the bad weather


she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform

Syn: ↑delay, ↑detain
Ant: ↑rush (for: ↑delay)
Derivationally related forms: ↑holdup, ↑delay (for: ↑delay)
Hypernyms: ↑decelerate, ↑slow, ↑slow down, ↑slow up, ↑retard
Hyponyms: ↑stonewall, ↑catch, ↑stall, ↑buy time
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

4. rob at gunpoint or by means of some other threat (Freq. 2)
Syn: ↑stick up
Derivationally related forms: ↑stickup (for: ↑stick up), ↑holdup
Topics: ↑crime, ↑offense, ↑criminal offense, ↑criminal offence, ↑offence, ↑law-breaking
Hypernyms: ↑rob
Hyponyms: ↑mug
Entailment: ↑assail, ↑assault, ↑set on, ↑attack
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody

5. continue to live through hardship or adversity (Freq. 1)

We went without water and food for 3 days


These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America


The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents


how long can a person last without food and water?

survive, ↑last, ↑live, ↑live on, ↑go, ↑endure, ↑hold out
Derivationally related forms: ↑endurance (for: ↑endure), ↑survival (for: ↑survive)
Hyponyms: ↑stand up, ↑hold water, ↑perennate, ↑live out
Verb Group: ↑be, ↑live, ↑exist, ↑survive, ↑subsist
Entailment: ↑be, ↑live
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s something


The business is going to hold up

6. resist or confront with resistance

The politician defied public opinion


The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear


The bridge held

Syn: ↑defy, ↑withstand, ↑hold
Derivationally related forms: ↑withstander (for: ↑withstand), ↑defiant (for: ↑defy)
Hypernyms: ↑resist, ↑hold out, ↑withstand, ↑stand firm
Hyponyms: ↑weather, ↑endure, ↑brave, ↑brave out
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

7. resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.

Her shoes won't hold up


This theory won't hold water

Syn: ↑stand up, ↑hold water
survive, ↑last, ↑live, ↑live on, ↑go, ↑endure, ↑hold out
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

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remain strong or vigorous

the dollar held up well against the yen

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hold up [phrasal verb]
1 : to continue in the same condition without failing or losing effectiveness or force

The sales team was holding up well under the stress.

The nurse came in to see how I was holding up.

Their music still holds up 20 years later.

2 hold (something) up or hold up (something) : to raise (something)

He held up his hand.

3 hold up (something or someone) or hold (something or someone) up
3 a : to delay, stop, or slow the movement, progress, or action of (something or someone) :delay

Their decision was held up for months.

A major accident held traffic up for hours.

She was late for the meeting because she got held up in traffic.

— see also holdup
3 b : to use a gun to rob (a person, store, etc.)

Someone held up the gas station.

He was held up by a masked robber.

— see also holdup
3 c : to cause (someone or something) to be noticed for a particular reason

His work has been held up to ridicule. [=his work has been ridiculed]

Experts have been holding these programs up as examples of government waste.

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Main Entry:hold

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ˌhold ˈup derived
to remain strong and working effectively

She's holding up well under the pressure.

Main entry:holdderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.