
criminal offence
(criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act

a long record of crimes

Syn: ↑crime, ↑offense, ↑criminal offense, ↑offence, ↑law-breaking
Derivationally related forms: ↑offend (for: ↑offense), ↑criminal (for: ↑crime), ↑criminate (for: ↑crime), ↑incriminate (for: ↑crime), ↑criminalise (for: ↑crime)
Topics: ↑criminal law
Members of this Topic:
kidnap, ↑nobble, ↑abduct, ↑snatch, ↑shanghai, ↑impress, ↑commandeer, ↑hijack, ↑highjack, ↑pirate, ↑skyjack, ↑carjack, ↑extort, ↑blackmail, ↑scalp, ↑bootleg, ↑run, ↑black market, ↑foist off, ↑palm off, ↑fob off, ↑push, ↑black marketeer, ↑pyramid, ↑ransom, ↑redeem, ↑traffic, ↑rustle, ↑lift, ↑shoplift, ↑hold up, ↑stick up, ↑mug, ↑plagiarize, ↑plagiarise, ↑crib, ↑bribe, ↑corrupt, ↑buy, ↑grease one's palms, ↑rake off, ↑buy off, ↑pay off, ↑loot, ↑plunder, ↑smuggle, ↑kick back
Hypernyms: ↑transgression, ↑evildoing
barratry, ↑capital offense, ↑cybercrime, ↑felony, ↑forgery, ↑fraud, ↑Had crime, ↑hijack, ↑highjack, ↑mayhem, ↑misdemeanor, ↑misdemeanour, ↑infraction, ↑violation, ↑infringement, ↑perpetration, ↑commission, ↑committal, ↑attack, ↑attempt, ↑Tazir crime, ↑statutory offense, ↑statutory offence, ↑regulatory offense, ↑regulatory offence, ↑thuggery, ↑treason, ↑high treason, ↑lese majesty, ↑vice crime, ↑victimless crime, ↑war crime

Useful english dictionary. 2012.