
hard drug
a narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addiction
Ant: ↑soft drug
Hypernyms: ↑narcotic, ↑controlled substance
Hyponyms: ↑cocaine, ↑cocain, ↑heroin, ↑diacetylmorphine

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an addicting drug capable of producing severe physical or psychological dependence, as heroin.
[1965-70, Amer.]

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hard drug UK US noun [countable] [singular hard drug plural hard drugs]
an illegal drug such as heroin that is addictive
Thesaurus: illegal drugs and drugs sometimes taken illegallyhyponym

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hard drug,
any drug that is physically and psychologically addictive, such as heroin.

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ˌhard ˈdrug [hard drug] noun usually plural
a powerful illegal drug, such as ↑heroin, that some people take for pleasure and can become ↑addicted to
compare soft drug

Useful english dictionary. 2012.