
controlled substance
a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are controlled by law
Hypernyms: ↑drug
cannabis, ↑marijuana, ↑marihuana, ↑ganja, ↑club drug, ↑hard drug, ↑lysergic acid diethylamide, ↑LSD, ↑methamphetamine, ↑methamphetamine hydrochloride, ↑Methedrine, ↑meth, ↑deoxyephedrine, ↑chalk, ↑chicken feed, ↑crank, ↑glass, ↑ice, ↑shabu, ↑trash, ↑opium

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any of a category of behavior-altering or addictive drugs, as heroin or cocaine, whose possession and use are restricted by law.

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controlled substance UK US noun [countable] [singular controlled substance plural controlled substances] legal
a drug or chemical that the law does not allow you to make, own or use
Thesaurus: illegal drugs and drugs sometimes taken illegallyhyponym

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controlled substance,
U.S. a drug or other chemical substance whose possession and use is restricted by law, especially a narcotic: »

Lasco [was] convicted at 17 of aggravated assault, breaking and entering, and possession of controlled substances (New York Post).

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conˌtrolled ˈsubstance [controlled substance] noun (technical)
an illegal drug

to be arrested for possession of a controlled substance

Useful english dictionary. 2012.