
Syn: ↑genus Fragaria
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Rosaceae, ↑family Rosaceae, ↑rose family
Member Meronyms:
strawberry, ↑garden strawberry, ↑cultivated strawberry, ↑Fragaria ananassa, ↑wild strawberry, ↑wood strawberry, ↑Fragaria vesca, ↑beach strawberry, ↑Chilean strawberry, ↑Fragaria chiloensis, ↑Virginia strawberry, ↑scarlet strawberry, ↑Fragaria virginiana

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\\frəˈga(a)rēə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin fragum strawberry + New Latin -aria
: a small genus of low perennial herbs (family Rosaceae) that comprise the strawberries, have trifoliate leaves, cymose white flowers, and long slender runners, and are represented in cultivation mainly by horticultural forms derived from several wild species (as F. vesca, F. virginiana, F. chiloensis, F. moschata) and including many hybrids of these — see chilean strawberry, strawberry, wood strawberry

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Fragaria /frə-gāˈri-ə/
The strawberry genus
ORIGIN: L frāgum the strawberry

Useful english dictionary. 2012.