
rose family
a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order Rosales; have alternate leaves and five-petaled flowers with numerous stamens
Syn: ↑Rosaceae, ↑family Rosaceae
Derivationally related forms: ↑rosaceous (for: ↑Rosaceae)
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Rosales, ↑order Rosales
Member Meronyms:
Rosa, ↑genus Rosa, ↑genus Agrimonia, ↑Amelanchier, ↑genus Amelanchier, ↑Chaenomeles, ↑genus Chaenomeles, ↑Chrysobalanus, ↑genus Chrysobalanus, ↑genus Cotoneaster, ↑Crataegus, ↑genus Crataegus, ↑Cydonia, ↑genus Cydonia, ↑Dryas, ↑genus Dryas, ↑Eriobotrya, ↑genus Eriobotrya, ↑Fragaria, ↑genus Fragaria, ↑Geum, ↑genus Geum, ↑Heteromeles, ↑genus Heteromeles, ↑Malus, ↑genus Malus, ↑Mespilus, ↑genus Mespilus, ↑Photinia, ↑genus Photinia, ↑Potentilla, ↑genus Potentilla, ↑Poterium, ↑genus Poterium, ↑Prunus, ↑genus Prunus, ↑Amygdalaceae, ↑family Amygdalaceae, ↑genus Pyracantha, ↑Pyrus, ↑genus Pyrus, ↑Rubus, ↑genus Rubus, ↑Sorbus, ↑genus Sorbus, ↑Spiraea, ↑genus Spiraea

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: rosaceae

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the plant family Rosaceae, characterized by trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants having compound or simple leaves with stipules, flowers typically with five sepals and five petals, and fruit in a variety of forms, many of which are fleshy and edible, and including the almond, apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, cinquefoil, hawthorn, peach, pear, plum, raspberry, rose, spirea, and strawberry.

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rose family,
a large group of dicotyledonous trees, shrubs, and herbs, including the apple, pear, blackberry, spirea, hawthorn, and rose. Typical members of the rose family have alternate leaves, five-petaled flowers, and fruits with many seeds.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.