
cotton grass
Syn: ↑genus Eriophorum
Hypernyms: ↑monocot genus, ↑liliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Cyperaceae, ↑family Cyperaceae, ↑sedge family
Member Meronyms: ↑cotton grass, ↑cotton rush

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\\ˌerēˈäfərəm\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from erio- + -phorum (neuter of -phorus)
1. capitalized : a genus of bog sedges (family Cyperaceae) characterized by cottony masses of spikelets, the perianth consisting of soft bristles
2. -s : any plant of the genus Eriophorum — called also cotton grass

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eriophorum /-ofˈər-əm/ noun
(Gr phoros carrying) a plant of the cotton-grass or cotton-sedge genus Eriophorum
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Main Entry:erio-

Useful english dictionary. 2012.