
sedge family
bulrush; chufa; cotton grass; papyrus; umbrella plant
Syn: ↑Cyperaceae, ↑family Cyperaceae
Hypernyms: ↑monocot family, ↑liliopsid family
Hyponyms: ↑Cyperus, ↑genus Cyperus
Member Holonyms: ↑Graminales, ↑order Graminales
Member Meronyms:
sedge, ↑Carex, ↑genus Carex, ↑Eriophorum, ↑genus Eriophorum, ↑Scirpus, ↑genus Scirpus, ↑Eleocharis, ↑genus Eleocharis

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: cyperaceae

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the plant family Cyperaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, often found in wet areas, having solid stems, narrow, grasslike leaves with closed sheaths, spikes of very small flowers set in a scalelike bract, and a dry, flattened, convex fruit, and including the bulrush, chufa, cotton grass, papyrus, and umbrella plant.

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sedge family,
a large group of monocotyledonous herbs resembling grasses but having solid, three-sided stems and small, inconspicuous flowers usually in spikes or heads. The family includes the sedge, papyrus, chufa, and bulrush.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.