
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
a republic on the island of Ceylon; became independent of the United Kingdom in 1948
Syn: ↑Sri Lanka, ↑Ceylon
Derivationally related forms: ↑Sri Lankan (for: ↑Sri Lanka)
Members of this Region:
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, ↑LTTE, ↑Tamil Tigers, ↑Tigers, ↑World Tamil Association, ↑World Tamil Movement, ↑Hinduism, ↑Hindooism
Instance Hypernyms: ↑country, ↑state, ↑land
Member Meronyms: ↑Sinhalese, ↑Singhalese, ↑Sri Lankan
Part Meronyms:
Colombo, ↑capital of Sri Lanka, ↑Kandy, ↑Eelam, ↑Tamil Eelam, ↑Adam's Peak, ↑Samanala

Useful english dictionary. 2012.