
Adar Sheni
included seven times in every 19 years
Syn: ↑Veadar
Hypernyms: ↑Jewish calendar month
Part Holonyms: ↑Jewish calendar, ↑Hebrew calendar

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\\ä|därshāˈnē, |ȯdərˈshānē\ noun (plural adar shenis)
Usage: usually capitalized A&S
Etymology: Hebrew ădhār shēnī second Adar
: veadar

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Eng., Ashk. Heb. /shay"nee/; Seph. Heb. /shay nee"/
an intercalary month of the Jewish calendar, added between Adar and Nisan; Veadar.
[ < Heb adhar sheni Adar the Second]

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Adar Sheni /shāˈnē/ noun
Veadar, literally Adar the second
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Main Entry:Adar

Useful english dictionary. 2012.