
included seven times in every 19 years
Syn: ↑Adar Sheni
Hypernyms: ↑Jewish calendar month
Part Holonyms: ↑Jewish calendar, ↑Hebrew calendar

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noun or we-adar \\|vā(ˌ)ä|där\ (-s)
Usage: usually capitalized V&W&A
Etymology: Hebrew wĕ-ădhār, literally, and Adar (i.e., the second Adar)
: the intercalary month of the Jewish year having 29 days and in leap years following Adar — called also Adar Sheni; see month table

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/vee"euh dahr', -ah dahr', vay"-, vee'euh dahr", -ah dahr"/, n.
an intercalary month of the Jewish calendar. Also called Adar Sheni. Cf. Jewish calendar.
[ < Heb wa and + adhar ADAR]

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Veadar /vēˈə-där/
An intercalary month in the Jewish calendar, following Adar in embolismic years
ORIGIN: Heb ve and

Useful english dictionary. 2012.