
as well as
TOGETHER WITH, along with, besides, plus, and, with, on top of, not to mention, to say nothing of, let alone.

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I. preposition
: in addition to : besides

a real scholar as well as … a composer of the highest integrity — Norman Demuth

II. adverb
Etymology: ME as wel as
: and not only : and in addition

is skillful as well as strong

introduced the use of the gnomon … as well as made the first map — Benjamin Farrington

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as well as
1. In addition to
2. No less than
• • •
Main Entry:well

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linking noun groups
If you say that something is true of one person or thing as well as another, you are emphasizing that it is true not only of the second person or thing but also of the first one.

Women, as well as men, have a fundamental right to work.

linking adjectives
You can also use as well as to link adjectives. When you do this, you are emphasizing that something has not only the second quality you mention but also the first one.

It has symbolic as well as economic significance.

linking clauses
You can use as well as in a similar way to link clauses. However, the second clause must be a non-finite clause beginning with an `-ing' form.

She was an individual as well as being the airport manager's wife.

She negotiates the licences as well as ordering the equipment.

You do not use a finite clause after as well as. You do not say, for example, `She negotiates the licences as well as she orders the equipment'.

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conj. and also; and in addition

genuine sentiment as well as a fair degree of realism

Useful english dictionary. 2012.