
not only
not only/​just/​merely/​simply phrase
used for emphasizing that, although something is true, something else is also true or is more important

Our apartment is not only centrally located, it’s near a park too.

We need to talk about these problems, not simply assume they will resolve themselves.

not only...but (also):

There are problems not only with the students, but also with the teachers themselves.

not only do/​will/​can etc:

Not only can he make people laugh, he can make them cry as well.

Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing that something is true or exactsynonym
Main entry: not

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used with 'but' or 'but also'
You use not only to link two words or word groups referring to things, actions, or situations. You put not only in front of the first word or group, and but or but also in front of the second one. The second thing mentioned is usually more surprising, informative, or important than the first one.

The government radio not only reported the demonstration, but announced it in advance.

Some parents are not only concerned with safety but also sceptical of the educational value of such trips.

We are interested in assessing not only what the children have learnt but how they have learnt it.

used with a pronoun
When you are linking word groups that begin with a verb, you can omit but or but also and use a personal pronoun instead. For example, instead of saying `Margaret not only came to the party but brought her aunt as well', you can say `Margaret not only came to the party, she brought her aunt as well'.

Imported taps not only provide more variation, they are often more attractively designed.

Her interest in your work has not only continued, it has increased.

putting 'not only' first
For emphasis, you can put not only first, followed by an auxiliary or `be', then the subject, then the main verb.

Not only did they send home substantial earnings, but they also saved money.

Not only do they rarely go on school outings, they rarely, if ever, leave Brooklyn.

Not only must come first when you are linking two clauses which have different subjects.

Not only were the locals all old, but the women still dressed in long black dresses.

Not only were the instruments unreliable, the crew had not flown together before.

'not just'
Not just is sometimes used instead of not only.

It is not just the most fashionable but also one of the best restaurants in the West End.

I want to see more and more people not just voting in polling stations, but formulating the policies of the political parties.

Not just is used only in front of adjectives, nouns, phrases, and participles. You do not use it in front of verbs.

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not only
— used to say that both of two related statements are true

Not only did they win, they won by a landslide.

The killing of these animals is not only illegal, it's also immoral.

The game is not only lots of fun, it's educational too!

Photographs are not only permitted, they are encouraged.

I'm concerned not only for myself, but for my children (as well).

She had the nerve to accuse me of lying. And not only that, but she refused to apologize!

The festivals take place not only in the city but also in the surrounding rural areas.

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Main Entry:only

Useful english dictionary. 2012.