
apart from
EXCEPT FOR, but for, aside from, with the exception of, excepting, excluding, bar, barring, besides, other than; informal outside of; formal save.

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1) except for

the whole world seemed to be sleeping, apart from Barbara

2) in addition to; as well as

quite apart from all the work, he had such financial problems

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apart from
1 : not including (something) : with the exception of (something)

The potatoes were a little salty, but apart from [=except for] that, the food was very good.

2 : other than (something) :besides

Apart from his work, his only real interest is baseball.

The work has value in itself, quite apart from the good effects it produces.

I don't like it. Apart from anything else, it's too expensive.

3 : separately from (something)

This problem needs to be considered apart from the other issues.

• • •
Main Entry:apart

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aˈpart from [apart from] (also aˈside from especially in NAmE) preposition
1. except for

I've finished apart from the last question.

2. in addition to; as well as

Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.

It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems.

You've got to help. Apart from anything else you're my brother.

See also:aside from  
Language Bank:
Making an exception

She wrote all of the songs on the album

except for

the final track.

Apart from


aside from

the final track, all of the songs on the album were written by her.

The songwriting —

with a few minor exceptions

— is of a very high quality.

With only

one or two exceptions

, the songwriting is of a very high quality.

The majority of the compositions are less than three minutes long,

with the notable exception of

the title track.

With the exception of

the title track, this album is a huge disappointment.

Here is a list of all the band's CDs,


unofficial ‘bootleg’ recordings.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.