
vegetable oil
any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants
Syn: ↑oil
Derivationally related forms: ↑oily (for: ↑oil)
Hypernyms: ↑edible fat
cooking oil, ↑sweet oil, ↑canola oil, ↑canola, ↑coconut oil, ↑copra oil, ↑corn oil, ↑cottonseed oil, ↑olive oil, ↑palm oil, ↑peanut oil, ↑groundnut oil, ↑salad oil, ↑safflower oil, ↑sesame oil, ↑soybean oil, ↑soyabean oil, ↑sunflower oil, ↑sunflower-seed oil, ↑walnut oil, ↑madia oil, ↑drying oil
Substance Holonyms: ↑margarine, ↑margarin, ↑oleo, ↑oleomargarine, ↑marge

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ˈvegetable oil 7 [vegetable oil] noun uncountable
oil produced from plants, used in cooking and on salad

Useful english dictionary. 2012.