
A form of phosphoric acid. Calcium phosphate makes bones and teeth hard.
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1. A salt or ester of phosphoric acid. For individual phosphates not listed here, see under the name of the base. 2. The trivalent ion, PO43−.
- bone p. SYN: tribasic calcium p..
- codeine p. a water-soluble salt of codeine often used in the pharmaceutical preparation of codeine-containing liquid medications.
- cyclic p. SYN: adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate.
- dihydrogen p. one-third-neutralized phosphoric acid; e.g., NaH2PO4, KH2PO4.
- disodium p. na2HPO4.
- energy-rich phosphates SYN: high-energy phosphates.
- high-energy phosphates those p. esters and phosphoanhydrides that, on hydrolysis, yield an unusually large amount of energy; e.g., nucleotide polyphosphates such as ATP, enol phosphates such as phosphoenolpyruvate. SEE ALSO: high-energy compounds, under compound. SYN: energy-rich phosphates.
- inorganic p. (Pi) SYN: inorganic orthophosphate.
- monopotassium p. KH2PO4; a dihydrogen p. used as a reagent; commonly used in buffers.
- monosodium p. NaH2PO4; a dihydrogen p. used as a reagent; commonly used in buffers.
- normal p. a salt of phosphoric acid or pyrophosphoric acid in which all the hydrogen atoms are displaced; e.g., Na3PO4, Na4P2O7.
- organic p. an ester of phosphoric acid; e.g., glycerol p., adenosine p., hexose p..
- triple p. 1. magnesium ammonium p., MgNH4PO4; 2. a crude p. fertilizer product from p. rock and phosphoric acid.
- trisodium p. Na3PO4; used to emulsify fats, oil, and grease; an irritant.

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phos·phate 'fäs-.fāt n
1 a) a salt or ester of a phosphoric acid
b) the trivalent anion PO43- derived from phosphoric acid H3PO4
2) an organic compound of phosphoric acid in which the acid group is bound to nitrogen or a carboxyl group in a way that permits useful energy to be released (as in metabolism)

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phos·phate (fosґfāt) [L. phosphas] 1. any salt of phosphoric acid or its anions, particularly referring to orthophosphate (inorganic phosphate). 2. any ester of phosphoric acid or of one of its salts or anions; an organic phosphate (q.v.). For specific salts, see entries under the adjectival form, e.g., for carbamoyl phosphate, see under carbamoyl.

Medical dictionary. 2011.