
1. Not organic; not formed by living organisms. 2. See i. compound. 3. Not containing carbon.

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in·or·gan·ic .in-.ȯr-'gan-ik adj
1 a) being or composed of matter other than plant or animal <an \inorganic heart>
b) forming or belonging to the inanimate world
2) of, relating to, or dealt with by a branch of chemistry concerned with substances not usu. classified as organic
in·or·gan·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv

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in·or·gan·ic (in″or-ganґik) [in-2 + organic] 1. having no organs. 2. not of organic origin. 3. pertaining to substances not of organic origin. 4. in chemistry, denoting substances not derived from hydrocarbons.

Medical dictionary. 2011.