
An abnormally small ear. The term "microtia" usually refers to a congenitally small external ear. The visible part of the ear is abnormally small but it is not entirely absent. Absence of the ear is called "anotia."
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Smallness of the auricle of the ear with a blind or absent external auditory meatus. [micro- + G. ous, ear]

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mi·cro·tia mī-'krō-sh(ē-)ə n abnormal smallness of the external ear

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a congenital deformity of the external ear in which the pinna is small or absent. The ear canal may also be absent, giving a conductive deafness. Microtia may be associated with other congenital deformities.

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mi·cro·tia (mi-kroґshə) [micro- + ot- + -ia] gross hypoplasia or aplasia of the auricle of the ear, with a blind or absent external acoustic meatus.


Medical dictionary. 2011.