
Production or acquisition of virilism.

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vir·il·iza·tion also Brit vir·il·isa·tion .vir-ə-lə-'zā-shən n the condition of being or process of becoming virilized

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the most extreme result of excessive androgen production (hyperandrogenism) in women. It is characterized by temporal balding, a male body form, muscle bulk, deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and hirsutism. Virilization in prepubertal boys may be caused by some tumours (see Leydig tumour).

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vir·il·iza·tion (vir″il-ĭ-zaґshən) masculinization; usually used for that occurring inappropriately in a female or prepubertal male.

Medical dictionary. 2011.