The knowledge and use of the techniques of a profession, art, or science. [G. techne, an art, + logos, study]
- assisted reproductive t. originally, a range of techniques for manipulating eggs and sperm in order to overcome infertility. Encompasses drug treatments to stimulate ovulation; surgical methods for removing eggs ( e.g., laparoscopy and ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration) and for reimplanting embryos ( e.g., zygote intrafallopian transfer (or ZIFT); in vitro and in vivo fertilization ( e.g., artificial insemination and gamete intrafallopian transfer (or GIFT); ex utero and in utero fetal surgery; as well as laboratory regimes for freezing and screening sperm and embryos, and micromanipulating and cloning embryos. See eugenics.
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1) the science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes: applied science
2) a scientific method of achieving a practical purpose
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tech·nol·o·gy (tek-nolґə-je) [Gr. technē art + -logy] scientific knowledge; the sum of the study of a technique.Medical dictionary. 2011.