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A place equipped for the performance of tests, experiments, and investigative procedures and for the preparation of reagents, therapeutic chemical materials, and so on. [Mediev. L. laboratorium, a workplace, fr. L. laboro, pp. -atus, to labor]
- personal growth l. a sensitivity training setting in which the primary emphasis is on each participant's potentialities for creativity, empathy, and leadership. SEE ALSO: sensitivity training group.
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lab·o·ra·to·ry 'lab-(ə-)rə-.tōr-ē, -.tȯr-, Brit usu lə-'bär-ə-t(ə-)rē n, pl -ries often attrib a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis
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lab·o·ra·to·ry (labґrə-tor″e) [L. laboratorium] a place equipped for performing experimental work or investigative procedures, for the preparation of drugs, chemicals, etc.Medical dictionary. 2011.