
Any s.-shaped structure. SEE ALSO: aster, astrosphere, stella, stellula. [A.S. steorra]
- daughter s. one of the figures forming the diaster. SYN: polar s..
- lens stars 1. SYN: radii of lens, under radius. 2. congenital cataracts with opacities along the suture lines of the lens; may be anterior or posterior, or both.
- mother s. SYN: monaster.
- polar s. SYN: daughter s..
- venous s. a small, red nodule formed by a dilated vein in the skin; caused by increased venous pressure.
- Verheyen stars SYN: venulae stellatae, under venula.
- Winslow stars SYN: stellulae winslowii, under stellula.
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recombinant streptokinase; Specialty Training and Advanced Research [NIH]; Staphylokinase Recombinant Trial; Study of Tranexamic Acid after Aneurysm Rupture

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(stahr) 1. a symmetrical, round geometrical figure with five or more points radiating out from a center. 2. any structure resembling such a figure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.