An instrument for determining exactly the number of drops in a given quantity of liquid; used as a measure of the surface tension of a fluid (the lower the tension, the smaller the drops and, consequently, the more numerous in a given quantity of the fluid). SYN: stactometer. [G. stalagma, a drop, + metron, measure]
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stal·ag·mom·e·ter .stal-ag-'mäm-ət-ər n a device for determining the number of drops in a given volume of liquid esp. for use in calculating the surface tension (as of blood or serum)
sta·lag·mo·met·ric stə-.lag-mə-'me-trik adj
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stal·ag·mom·e·ter (stal″əg-momґə-tər) [Gr. stalagmos dropping + -meter] an instrument for measuring surface tension by determining the exact number of drops in a given quantity of a liquid.Medical dictionary. 2011.