1. To determine the magnitude or quantity of a substance by comparing it to some accepted standard or by calculation. 2. A specified magnitude of a physical quantity. 3. A graduated instrument used to m. an object or substance. [O.F. mesure, fr. L. mensura, fr. metior, to m.]
- Geneva lens m. a device for measuring the radii of the curvature of a spectacle lens. SYN: lens clock. [Geneva, Switzerland]
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mea·sure 'mezh-ər, 'māzh- n
1) an instrument or utensil for measuring
2) a standard or unit of measurement also a system of such measures <metric \measure>
1) to allot or apportion in measured amounts
2) to ascertain the measurements of
3) to serve as a measure of <a thermometer \measures temperature> vi to have a specified measurement
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meas·ure (mezhґər) [L. mensurare] 1. to determine the extent or quantity of a substance. 2. a specific extent or quantity of a substance. 3. a graduated scale by which the dimensions or mass of an object or substance may be determined. See tables of weights and measures in Appendix 7.Medical dictionary. 2011.