
The consciousness of sensation; the capability of perceiving sensible stimuli. [L. sensibilitas]
- articular s. appreciation of sensation in joint surfaces. SYN: arthresthesia, joint sense.
- bone s. SYN: pallesthesia.
- cortical s. the integration of sensory stimuli by the cerebral cortex.
- deep s. SYN: bathyesthesia, kinesthetic sense.
- dissociation s. the loss of the pain and the thermal senses with preservation of tactile s. or vice versa.
- electromuscular s. s. of muscular tissue to stimulation by electricity.
- epicritic s. epicritic.
- pallesthetic s. SYN: pallesthesia.
- proprioceptive s. proprioceptive.
- protopathic s. protopathic.
- splanchnesthetic s. SYN: visceral sense.
- vibratory s. SYN: pallesthesia.

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sen·si·bil·i·ty .sen(t)-sə-'bil-ət-ē n, pl -ties
1) ability to receive sensations <\sensibility to pain>
2) awareness of and responsiveness toward something (as emotion in another)

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the ability to be affected by, and respond to, changes in the surroundings (see stimulus). Sensibility is a characteristic of cells of the nervous system.

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sen·si·bil·i·ty (sen″sĭ-bilґĭ-te) [L. sensibilitas] susceptibility of feeling; ability to feel or perceive.

Medical dictionary. 2011.