1. The state of being combined, or the process of combining, into a complete and harmonious whole. 2. In physiology, the process of building up, as by accretion, anabolism, etc. 3. In mathematics, the process of ascertaining a function from its differential. 4. In molecular biology, a recombination event in which a genetic element is inserted. [L. integro, pp. -atus, to make whole, fr. integer, whole]
- personality i. the effective organization of old and new experience, data, and emotional capacities into the personality; the harmonious organization of the personality.
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in·te·gra·tion .int-ə-'grā-shən n the combining and coordinating of separate parts or elements into a unified whole: as
a) coordination of mental processes into a normal effective personality or with the individual's environment <failure of association and failure of \integration take place among neurotic individuals (R. M. Dorcus & G. W. Shaffer)>
b) the process by which the different parts of an organism are made a functional and structural whole esp. through the activity of the nervous system and of hormones
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the blending together of the nerve impulse that arrive through the thousands of synapses at a nerve cell body. Impulses from some synapses cause excitation, and from others inhibition; the overall pattern decides whether an individual nerve cell is activated to transmit a message or not.
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in·te·gra·tion (in″tə-graґshən) 1. coordination. 2. assimilation (def. 1). 3. anabolism. 4. the covalent insertion of one segment of DNA into another, such as the incorporation of viral or prophage DNA or a transposable element into genomic DNA.Medical dictionary. 2011.