
To process an exposed photographic or radiographic film in order to turn the latent image into a permanent one. [O.Fr. desveloper, to unwrap, fr. voloper, to wrap]

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de·vel·op di-'vel-əp vt
1 a) to make active or promote the growth of <\developed their muscles by weight lifting>
b) to cause to grow and differentiate along lines natural to its kind <the zygote is gradually \developed into the adult plant or animal>
2) to become infected or affected by <\developed pneumonia> vi
1) to go through a process of natural growth, differentiation, or evolution by successive stages <the fever \develops normally> <the embryo \develops into a well-formed human being>
2) to acquire secondary sex characteristics <she is \developing rapidly for a girl of 12>

Medical dictionary. 2011.