The presence of gas together with a purulent effusion in the pleural cavity. [pyo- + G. pneuma, air, + thorax]
- subdiaphragmatic p., subphrenic p. subphrenic abscess associated with perforation of one of the hollow viscera, with gas in the chest and abdomen.
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pyo·pneu·mo·tho·rax -.n(y)ü-mə-'thō(ə)r-.aks, -'thȯ(ə)r- n, pl -tho·rax·es or -tho·ra·ces -'thō-rə-.sēz a collection of pus and air or other gas in the pleural cavity
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pus and gas or air in the pleural cavity. The condition can arise if gas is produced by gas-forming bacteria as part of an empyema or if air is introduced during attempts to drain the pus from an empyema. Alternatively a hydropneumothorax may become infected.
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pyo·pneu·mo·tho·rax (pi″o-noo″mo-thorґaks) [pyo- + pneumothorax] a collection of pus and air or gas in the pleural cavity. Called also pneumoempyema and pneumopyothorax.Medical dictionary. 2011.