The presence of both gas and fluids in the pleural cavity. SYN: pneumohydrothorax, pneumoserothorax. [hydro- + G. pneuma, air, + thorax]
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hy·dro·pneu·mo·tho·rax .hī-drə-.n(y)ü-mə-'thō(ə)r-.aks, -'thȯ(ə)r- n, pl -tho·rax·es or -tho·ra·ces -'thōr-ə-.sēz, -'thȯr- the presence of gas and serous fluid in the pleural cavity called also pneumohydrothorax
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the presence of air and fluid in the pleural cavity. If the patient is shaken the fluid makes a splashing sound (called a succussion splash). An effusion of serous fluid commonly complicates a pneumothorax, and must be drained.
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hy·dro·pneu·mo·tho·rax (hi″dro-noo″mo-thorґaks) [hydro- + pneumothorax] a collection of fluid and gas within the pleural cavity. Called also pneumohydrothorax, pneumoserothorax, and seropneumothorax.Medical dictionary. 2011.