1. Resembling pemphigus. 2. A disease resembling pemphigus but significantly distinguishable histologically (nonacantholytic) and clinically (generally benign course). [G. pemphix, blister, + eidos, resemblance]
- bullous p. a chronic, generally benign disease, most commonly of old age, characterized by tense nonacantholytic bullae in which serum antibodies are localized to hemidesmosomal components of the epidermal basement membrane, causing detachment of the entire thickness of the epidermis.
- localized p. of Brunsting-Perry a variant of p., primarily on the scalp and face, with some scar formation.
- ocular cicatricial p. a chronic disease that produces adhesions and progressive cicatrization and shrinkage of the conjunctival, oral, and vaginal mucous membranes. SYN: benign mucosal p., ocular p..
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a chronic itchy blistering disorder of the elderly. The blisters most commonly occur on the limbs and persist for several days, unlike those of pemphigus. Pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease and responds to treatment with corticosteroids or immunosuppressant drugs. Ocular pemphigoid is a potentially blinding disease in which there is blistering and scarring of the conjunctiva, leading to dryness of the eye, and shortening of the fornices (the inferior and superior lines of reflection from the conjunctiva from the eyelid to the eyeball), due to adhesions to the eyelid.
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pem·phi·goid (pemґfĭ-goid) [pemphigus + -oid] 1. like or resembling pemphigus. 2. any of a group of dermatological syndromes similar to but clearly distinguishable from those of the pemphigus group. 3. bullous p.Medical dictionary. 2011.