Denoting the mild character of an illness or the nonmalignant character of a neoplasm. [through O.Fr., fr. L. benignus, kind]
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be·nign bi-'nīn adj
1) of a mild type or character that does not threaten health or life <\benign malaria> <a \benign tumor> compare MALIGNANT (1)
2) having a good prognosis: responding favorably to treatment <a \benign psychosis>
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1. describing a tumour that does not invade and destroy the tissue in which it originates or spread to distant sites in the body, i.e. a tumour that is not cancerous.
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be·nign (bə-nīnґ) [L. benignus] not malignant; not recurrent; favorable for recovery.Medical dictionary. 2011.