
: A doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the female reproductive organs. The word "gynecologist" comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman + logia meaning study, so a gynecologist is literally a student of women, a women's doctor. However, these days gynecologists do not address all of women’s medicine but instead focus mainly on disorders of the female reproductive organs.
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A physician specializing in gynecology.

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gy·ne·col·ogist or chiefly Brit gy·nae·col·o·gist .gīn-ə-'käl-ə-jəst, .jin- n a specialist in gynecology

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gy·ne·col·o·gist (gi″nə-) (jin″ə-kolґə-jist) a specialist in gynecology.

Medical dictionary. 2011.