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The medical specialty concerned with diseases of the female genital tract, as well as endocrinology and reproductive physiology of the female. [gyneco- + G. logos, study]
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gy·ne·col·o·gy or chiefly Brit gy·nae·col·o·gy .gīn-ə-'käl-ə-jē, .jin- n, pl -gies a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and routine physical care of the reproductive system of women
gy·ne·co·log·ic .gīn-i-kə-'läj-ik, .jin- or gy·ne·co·log·i·cal -i-kəl or chiefly Brit gy·nae·co·log·ic or gy·nae·co·log·i·cal adj
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gy·ne·col·o·gy (gi″nə-) (jin″ə-kolґə-je) [gyneco- + -logy] the branch of medicine that deals with female health and disease, particularly the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system, including the breasts.Medical dictionary. 2011.