1. Soft material forming a cushion, used in applying or relieving pressure on a part, or in filling a depression so that dressings can fit snugly. 2. A more or less encapsulated body of fat or some other tissue serving to fill a space or act as a cushion in the body. ( i.e., heel p.).
- abdominal p. SYN: laparotomy p..
- dinner p. a p. of moderate thickness placed over the pit of the stomach before the application of a plaster jacket; after the plaster has set the p. is removed, leaving space for varying degrees of abdominal distention.
- fat p. fat-p..
- fat p. of ischioanal fossa
- heel p. an encapsulated body of fat beneath the plantar surface of the calcaneus, which cushions during weight bearing and walking.
- knuckle pads 1. an autosomal dominant trait, in which thick pads of skin appear over the proximal phalangeal joints; occasionally associated with leukonychia and deafness or Dupuytren contracture; 2. a callus reaction resulting from occupational or self-inflicted trauma.
- laparotomy p. a p. made from several layers of gauze folded into a rectangular shape; used as a sponge, for packing off the viscera in abdominal operations, and in other ways. SYN: abdominal p..
- periarterial p. SYN: juxtaglomerular body.
- pharyngoesophageal pads SYN: pharyngoesophageal cushions, under cushion.
- retromolar p. a cushioned mass of tissue, frequently pear-shaped, located on the alveolar process of the mandible behind the area of the last natural molar tooth; of particular concern in fitting full dentures. SYN: pear-shaped area.
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pain and distress; patient surface axis depth; percutaneous abscess drainage; percutaneous automated discectomy; peripheral artery disease; phenacetin, aspirin, and desoxyephedrine; photon absorption densitometry; practitioners accessing data; primary affective disorder; psychoaffective disorder; public access to defibrillation; pulmonary artery diastolic; pulsatile assist device; Pulse Arrhythmia Detection; pulsed amperometric detection
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PAD abbr peripheral arterial disease
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cotton-wool, foam rubber, or other material used to protect a part of the body from friction, bruising, or other unwanted contact.
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(pad) a cushionlike mass of soft material.Medical dictionary. 2011.