1. Any structure that occludes an opening. 2. Denoting the o. foramen, the o. membrane, or any of several parts in relation to this foramen. 3. A prosthesis used to close an opening of the hard palate, usually a cleft palate. 4. The stylus or removable plug used during the insertion of many tubular instruments. [L. obturo, pp. -atus, to occlude or stop up]
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1 a) either of two muscles arising from the obturator membrane and adjacent bony surfaces: (1) OBTURATOR EXTERNUS (2) OBTURATOR INTERNUS
2 a) a prosthetic device that closes or blocks up an opening (as a fissure in the palate)
b) a device that blocks the opening of an instrument (as a sigmoidoscope) that is being introduced into the body
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2. a wire or rod within a cannula or hollow needle for piercing tissues or fitting aspirating needles.
3. a removable form of denture that both closes a defect in the palate and also restores the dentition. The defect may result from removal of a tumour or, less commonly, be congenital, as in a cleft palate.
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ob·tu·ra·tor (obґtə-raґtər) [L.] 1. any structure, natural or artificial, that closes an opening. 2. speech-aid prosthesis.Medical dictionary. 2011.