
An anatomical prominence or slight elevation above the general level of the surface. [L. a mountain]
- m. pubis [TA] the prominence caused by a pad of fatty tissue over the symphysis pubis in the female. SYN: pubes (2) [TA], m. veneris, pubic bone.
- m. ureteris a pinkish prominence on the wall of the bladder marking each ureteral orifice.
- m. veneris SYN: m. pubis. [L. Venus]

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mons 'mänz n, pl mon·tes 'män-.tēz a body part or area raised above or demarcated from surrounding structures (as the papilla of mucosa through which the ureter enters the bladder)

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(in anatomy) a rounded eminence. The mons pubis is the mound of fatty tissue lying over the pubic symphysis.

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(monz) pl. monґtes [L. “mountain”] an elevation or eminence.

Medical dictionary. 2011.