
Any aperture or opening. SEE ALSO: aperture, opening, os, ostium, meatus. SYN: orificium [TA]. [L. orificium]
- anal o. SYN: anus.
- aortic o. [TA] the opening from the left ventricle into the ascending aorta; it is guarded by the aortic valve. SYN: ostium aortae [TA], aortic ostium.
- cardiac o. SYN: cardial o..
- cardial o. [TA] the trumpet-shaped opening of the esophagus into the stomach. SYN: ostium cardiacum [TA], cardiac opening, cardiac o., esophagogastric o..
- esophagogastric o. SYN: cardial o..
- o. of external acoustic meatus SYN: external acoustic pore.
- external urethral o. [TA] 1. the slitlike opening of the urethra in the glans penis; 2. the external o. of the urethra (in the female) in the vestibule, usually upon a slight elevation, the papilla urethrae. SYN: ostium urethrae externum [TA], external urinary meatus, external opening of urethra, meatus urinarius, orificium urethrae externum.
- filling internal urethral o. [TA] the internal urethral o. once the bladder begins to be distended with urine, when the trigonal muscles are contracted and the detrusor muscle is relaxed; during this stage the o. occurs at a higher level, and is bounded by a different portion of the mucosa, than during voiding. SEE ALSO: voiding internal urethral o.. SYN: ostium urethrae internum accipiens [TA].
- gastroduodenal o. SYN: pyloric o..
- golf-hole ureteral o. a circular and often escessively lateral ureteral o. that may be associated with vesicoureteral reflux, previous bladder surgery, or tuberculosis.
- ileal o. [TA] the opening of the terminal ileum into the large intestine at the transition between the cecum and the ascending colon. SYN: ostium ileale [TA], o. of ileal papilla, ileocecal opening, ileocecal o., ostium ileocecale.
- o. of ileal papilla ileal o..
- ileocecal o. SYN: ileal o..
- o. of inferior vena cava SYN: opening of inferior vena cava.
- o. of internal acoustic meatus SYN: internal acoustic pore.
- internal urethral o. [TA] the internal opening or o. of the urethra, at the anterior and inferior angle of the trigone. SYN: ostium urethrae internum [TA], internal urethral opening.
- left atrioventricular o. [TA] an atrioventricular opening that leads from the left atrium into the left ventricle of the heart. SYN: ostium atrioventriculare sinistrum [TA], mitral o., ostium arteriosum.
- mitral o. SYN: left atrioventricular o..
- pulmonary o. SYN: opening of pulmonary trunk.
- pyloric o. [TA] the opening between the stomach and the superior part of the duodenum. SYN: ostium pyloricum [TA], gastroduodenal o..
- right atrioventricular o. [TA] an atrioventricular opening that leads from the right atrium into the right ventricle of the heart. SYN: ostium atrioventriculare dextrum [TA], ostium venosum cordis, tricuspid o..
- root canal o. an opening in the pulp chamber leading to the root canal.
- o. of superior vena cava SYN: opening of superior vena cava.
- tricuspid o. SYN: right atrioventricular o..
- ureteric o. [TA] the opening of the ureter in the bladder, situated one at each lateral angle of the trigone; wide gaping of the ostium usually indicates vesicoureteral reflux. SYN: ostium ureteris [TA], orificium ureteris, ureteral meatus, ureteral opening.
- o. of uterus SYN: external os of uterus.
- vaginal o. [TA] the narrowest portion of the canal, in the floor of the vestibule posterior to the urethral o.. SYN: ostium vaginae [TA], orificium vaginae, vaginal opening.
- o. of vermiform appendix [TA] the opening of the vermiform appendix into the lumen of the cecum. SYN: ostium appendicis vermiformis [TA], ostium of vermiform appendix.
- voiding internal urethral o. [TA] the internal urethral o. when the bladder is being emptied of urine, when the trigonal muscles are relaxed and the detrusor muscle is contracting; during this stage the o. occurs at a lower level, and is bounded by a different portion of the mucosa, than during filling and reserving. SEE ALSO: filling internal urethral o.. SYN: ostium urethrae internum evacuans [TA].

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or·i·fice 'ȯr-ə-fəs, 'är- n an opening through which something may pass
or·i·fi·cial .ȯr-ə-'fish-əl, .är- adj

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or·i·fice (orґĭ-fis) [L. orificium] 1. the entrance or outlet of a body cavity. Called also ostium [TA]. any 2. foramen, meatus, or opening. Called also ostium [TA] and orificium. orificial adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.