
A genus of fungi (family Cryptococcaceae) of low pathogenicity that lack the ability to synthesize medium-chain and long-chain fatty acid s and require an exogenous supply of these lipids for growth as can be found in the skin. [L. C. Malassez]
- M. furfur a fungus species that is normal skin flora but can cause tinea versicolor, folliculitis, or fungemia in patients receiving intravenous lipids. SYN: Pityrosporum orbiculare, Pityrosporum ovale.
- M. ovalis a species of yeast found in superficial epidermal scales and hair follicles on oily skin, of borderline pathogenicity; may cause seborrheic dermatitis associated with immune deficiency.
- M. pachydermatis a fungus occasionally isolated from skin lesions of humans and animals; a rare cause of fungemia in patients receiving intravenous lipids.

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Mal·as·se·zia .mal-ə-'sā-zē-ə n a genus of lipophilic typically nonpathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi including one (M. furfur syn. Pityrosporum oribiculare) that causes tinea versicolor and another (M. ovalis syn. Pityrosporum ovale) that is associated with seborrheic dermatitis

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Mal·as·se·zia (mal″ə-seґzhə) [Louis Charles Malassez] a genus of Fungi Imperfecti of the form-family Cryptococcaceae, consisting of yeastlike organisms that produce no mycelium; called also Pityrosporum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.