In natural history classification, the taxonomic level of division between the family, or tribe, and the species; a group of species alike in the broad features of their organization but different in detail, and incapable of fertile mating. [L. birth, descent]
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ge·nus 'jē-nəs, 'jen-əs n, pl gen·era 'jen-ə-rə a class, kind, or group marked by common characteristics or by one common characteristic specif a category of biological classification ranking between the family and the species, comprising structurally or phylogenetically related species or an isolated species exhibiting unusual differentiation, and designated by a Latin or latinized capitalized singular noun
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n. (pl. genera)
a category used in the classification of animals and plants. A genus consists of several closely related and similar species; for example the genus Canis includes the dog, wolf, and jackal.
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ge·nus (jeґnəs) pl. genґera [L.] a taxonomic category subordinate to a tribe (or subtribe) and superior to a species (or subgenus).Medical dictionary. 2011.