
1. Entrance; the external opening of a canal or space, such as l. insulae [TA]. 2. SYN: threshold. [L.]
- difference l. a barely noticeable change in the intensity or frequency of a stimulus.
- l. insulae [TA] the band of transition between the anterior portion of the gray matter of the insula and the anterior perforated substance; it is formed by a narrow strip of olfactory cortex along the lateral side of the lateral olfactory stria. SYN: threshold of island of Reil.
- l. nasi [TA] a ridge marking the boundary between the nasal cavity proper and the vestibule. SYN: threshold of nose.

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li·men 'lī-mən n THRESHOLD <appetites and needs...smouldering below the \limen of awareness (R. M. Lindner)>

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(in anatomy) a border or boundary. The limen nasi is the boundary between the bony and cartilaginous parts of the nasal cavity.

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li·men (liґmən) pl. liґmina [L.] 1. threshold (def. 2). 2. in anatomy, the beginning point, boundary, or threshold of a structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.