
1. Marked tension; great activity; often used simply to denote a measure of the degree or amount of some quality. 2. The magnitude of energy flux, field strength, or force. [L. in- tendo, pp. -tensus, to stretch out]
- luminous i. (I) the luminous flux per unit solid angle in a given direction. SYN: candle-power, radiant i..
- performance i. the improvement in recognition of spoken words that occurs with increasing i. of sound.
- radiant i. (I) SYN: luminous i..
- i. of sound the objective measurement of the amplitude of vibration of a sound wave.

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in·ten·si·ty in-'ten(t)-sət-ē n, pl -ties
1) the quality or state of being intense esp extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling
2) the magnitude of a quantity (as force or energy) per unit (as of surface, charge, mass, or time)

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in·ten·si·ty (in-tenґsĭ-te) [L. intensus intense] the condition or quality of having a high degree of tension, activity, or energy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.