
: Eversion of a hollow organ at birth. An exstrophic bladder is one that is turned inside out like a rubber glove. In exstrophy of the cloaca (a primitive embryonic structure) an area of the intestine is interposed between two separate areas of the bladder. The word exstrophy is from the Greek ex, out, + strophe, a turning.
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Congenital eversion of a hollow organ. SYN: ecstrophe. [G. ex, out, + strophe, a turning]
- e. of the bladder a congenital gap in the anterior wall of the bladder and the abdominal wall in front of it, the posterior wall of the bladder being exposed. SYN: ectopia vesicae.
- cloacal e. congenital anomaly with two exstrophied bladder units separated by an exstrophied segment of intestine, which is usually cecum, receiving ileum superiorly and continuing distally to blind ending microcolon. A number of variants of anatomic disarray can occur. SYN: ectopia cloacae.

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ex·stro·phy 'ek-strə-fē n, pl -phies eversion of a part or organ specif a congenital malformation of the bladder in which the normally internal mucosa of the organ lies exposed on the abdominal wall because of failure of union between the halves of the pubic symphysis and between the adjacent halves of the abdominal wall

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a severe congenital abnormality in which the bladder fails to close during development: the baby is born with an absent lower abdominal wall and the internal surface of the posterior bladder wall is exposed. It is associated with epispadias, total urinary incontinence, and undescended testes.

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ex·stro·phy (ekґstro-fe) [Gr. ekstrephein to turn inside out] the congenital eversion or turning inside out of an organ, such as the urinary bladder.

Medical dictionary. 2011.