1. A termination or conclusion. 2. A nerve e..
- annulospiral e. one of two types of sensory nerve e. associated with a neuromuscular spindle (the other being the flower-spray e.); after entering the muscle spindle, the fiber divides into two flat, ribbonlike branches that wind themselves in rings or spirals about the intrafusal muscle fibers. SYN: annulospiral organ.
- calyciform e., caliciform e. a synaptic e. in relation to certain neuroepithelial hair cells of the inner ear.
- flower-spray e. one of the two types of sensory nerve e. associated with the neuromuscular spindle (the other being the annulospiral e.); in this type, the fiber branches spread out upon the surface of the intrafusal fibers like a spray of flowers. SYN: flower-spray organ of Ruffini.
- free nerve endings a form of peripheral e. of sensory nerve fibers in which the terminal filaments end freely in the tissue. SYN: terminationes nervorum liberae.
- grape endings an autodescriptive term applied to synaptic terminals at the ends of short, stalklike axon branches.
- nerve e. any one of the specialized terminations of peripheral sensory or motor nerve fibers. See motor endplate, corpuscle, bulb.
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end·ing (endґing) 1. a termination or finish. 2. nerve e.Medical dictionary. 2011.