
An action or ministration that produces an effect or that is intended to alter the course of a pathologic process. [L. inter-ventio, a coming between, fr inter-venio, to come between]
- crisis i. a psychotherapeutic technique directed at counseling at the time of an acute life crisis and limited in aim to helping resolve the crisis.

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in·ter·ven·tion .int-ər-'ven-chən n the act or fact or a method of interfering with the outcome or course esp. of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning) <relieving a variety of serious arrhythmias by surgical \intervention (G. M. Lawrie )(et al)> <develop \interventions to prevent substance abuse (A. Kline )(et al)>
in·ter·vene -'vēn vi, -vened; -ven·ing
in·ter·ven·tion·al -'vench-(ə-)nəl adj
in·ter·ven·tion·ist -'ven-chə-nist n

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in·ter·ven·tion (in″tər-venґshən) [L. intervenire to come between] 1. the act or fact of interfering so as to modify. 2. specifically, any measure whose purpose is to improve health or to alter the course of a disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.